Que Serra Serra
Thursday 17 March 2011
  Hats off to you!
Firstly, I would like to make a point of stating that British summertime starts in approximately 10 days. Currently judging by the weather, it doesn't look as though I'll be sprinting to the beach and jumping into my bikini anytime time soon. However, this does mean I'll be stacking up on summertime goodies for my wardrobe ready for late nights, early starts, camping at the beach and getting drunk near enough every day of the week. Many a time I have categorised myself as a bit of a winter lass, but I have to admit the build up to summer, the long wait for the long days really does get me and I am growing ever more impatient to hit the beach.

 And secondly- my main point of this blog- was my summer trend that I feel will help out anyone in need of a hand to transform their outfit or to just top it off. The bowler hat. The floppy felt hats. The straw hat. The trilby. The list is endless and the choice is limitless, the fact is there is a hat out there that caters for every girls tastes and in seconds can immediately make an outfit. Many people categorise hats as a winter piece but they can truly be worn anytime of the year, anywhere you wish to. As my summer 2011 trend, I am personally going to have to favour the bowler hat, as I don't think I've quite got that sophistication to deal with the floppy felt or neither the trilby, my straw hat days are over and I'm now embarking on something new.

Which in my opinion, is something we all need to do, let go of peoples judgments of us and try something new and delightful. However, who am I to say that when every now and then I do consider other peoples opinions? But baring that in mind, maybe thats the whole point of this summer, bold blocks colours, new lengths, seventies style, studded denim, fringed outfits, and a hell of alot of jewellery. Surely that is just encouraging us to be a little daring with the wardrobe right? I think this is a time when people can just let go, add a minor detail such as a bowler hat and put a stamp on their outfit and claim it as their own. One of my pet hates would be people playing it safe, opting for the same old same old kind of style, when lets face it there couldn't be much more on offer right now, with individual shops and small, undiscovered, untouched online shops that have so much to offer, yet people give them the cold shoulder and hit the high street for an outfit that you'll probably see tomorrow on someone else. Although, I have to say high street shops cater more than enough for the necessities of a wardrobe but its those people who look a little closer and pay attention to so insignificant yet so significant, (and if I am contradicting myself then so be it), details of an outfit, that really have style. They're the ones that should be praised as the ones with individuality and knowledge of style. And I have to say hats off to you!

Also, just as a small addition to this blog, I have set my sights on some summer bags that are going to be my next purchase.  http://www.alphabetbags.com/

So there it is. I'll leave you on this thought 'style is knowing who you are, what you want to say, and not giving a damn.' So what do you want to say?

Monday 14 March 2011
  Malice- a desire to harm others.
At one time, back some time ago, my head actually consisted of a full head of chocolate/brunette locks. However, boredom took its tole and I was soon a follower of the Alexa Chung look, and I gladly demanded a short do and during my young and foolish ways, was too stubborn to believe those who said I would regret it.
I did. I sit here writing this with a dry heap amongst my head, and a multi tone of black and brown with no idea of where the style of my hair is actually going. To add to this frustration, I calculate the length my hair would've been a year on and regret every day I spent complaining about my long, long locks. In envy, I watch my friends hair whose lengths seem to have soared in the past year and every model or girl that I get a glimpse of her barnet that hangs around their waist casually and effortlessly. The fact is long hair can transform an outfit of any kind, bland and mundane dresses can be sproosed up, tees and jeans can look effortlessly cool and bikini girls can look like models. So whilst I spend my next few years regretting my wild and reckless mistake I advise you, the people of the long hair society, to appreciate thejm on donate them to those in need, ie. me.

And as of tonight, I am no longer going to be an array of colours but I'm hopefully going start summer off with a light do.

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Location: Hampshire, United Kingdom
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